Sundays: 10am
20700 Kenrick Ave
Lakeville, Minnesota 55044
Office Hours | Mon–Thur, 9am–3pm; Fri, 9am–Noon
Phone: 612-746-2650
Bethlehem’s South Campus, our newest congregation, meets at 20700 Kenrick Avenue in Lakeville. Feel free to come early, before the worship service, or linger afterward in our Commons area. We would love to meet you!
Look for this symbol throughout the website to find classes and events specific to our South Campus.
We are eager for you to join us for a worship service! Our services are a blend of contemporary and traditional. A typical service includes worship music, prayer, communion (usually on the first weekend of the month), and preaching from the Bible. As of Sunday, May 29, our worship service will begin at 10am. See our Preaching Schedule.
Sunday and midweek ministries encourage believers of all ages in their walk with God and strengthen our church body to “grow so that it builds itself up in love” (Ephesians 4:16).
We welcome children ages birth–3 years to be cared for during worship services and special events. A team of caregivers leads children in age-appropriate playtime, shares God-centered stories and songs, and prays for each child.
We are eager to partner with parents as we announce births & adoptions, host Child Dedication Services, and provide nursery care in hopes that even the littles ones among us will have a firm foundation for loving Jesus.
Parents fill out a Family Registration form to register children for nursery care and check in at a kiosk upon arrival to print a name tag for each child.
In our programs for children in preschool and the elementary grades, we seek to point the next generation to find their joy in Jesus, to be students of God’s word, and to connect in the local church.
We are eager to serve children and families through ...
In Sunday School classes at 9am, a team of worship leaders, teachers, and small group leaders guide children in a variety of activities, encouraging them in the knowledge of Christ and his word. Parents fill out the Family Registration Form for classes, and check in at a kiosk upon arrival to print a name tag for each child.
Through times of teaching and fellowship, we seek to lead Middle School students (Grades 6–8) to learn from God’s word, build relationships with one another, and connect to the local church. We seek to shepherd students through teaching, worship, and small group interaction in ...
We aim to support and equip parents as they, by God’s grace, train their children’s hearts toward maturity in Jesus Christ. Through each facet of our ministry, we seek to point students to Jesus and an ever-increasing delight and maturity in him.
Through times of teaching and fellowship, we seek to lead high school students (Grades 9–12) to learn from God’s word, build relationships with one another, and connect to the local church. We seek to shepherd students through teaching, worship, and small group interaction in ...
We aim to support and equip parents as they, by God’s grace, train their children’s hearts toward maturity in Jesus Christ. Through each facet of our ministry, we seek to point students to Jesus and an ever-increasing delight and maturity in him.
Bethlehem’s college ministry, Campus Outreach Minneapolis, ministers to students at four local colleges and universities. Through evangelism and discipleship, we aim to reach students with the gospel so that they leave college as mature followers of Christ with a commitment to the Great Commission.
We have full-time Campus Outreach staff teams that minister to students on four metro-area campuses:
Learn more about Campus Outreach at Bethlehem.
Campus Outreach Minneapolis
Resource Staff Center & Financial Office
720 13th Ave South
Minneapolis, MN 55415
[email protected]
[email protected]
Phone: 612-217-2661
We desire to lead women to embrace the great assurance and hope of their identity in Jesus Christ and to seek and enjoy satisfaction in him. We treasure Christ together through prayer, study and application of the Word, fellowship, and serving one another. We are committed to raising up women who exemplify biblical womanhood to the glory of God.
Holly Nelson (email, 612-746-2650 x654)
Minister for Women’s Ministry, South Emily Zwicky
Administrative Assistant for Women’s Ministry
With the goal of helping our men treasure Jesus Christ above everything and grow together in him, we plan gatherings for men to be personally enriched and to strengthen the home, marriage, and family. Our guiding values are devotion to God, taking initiative, accepting responsibility, leading courageously, and adopting an eternal perspective.
Phil Nelson
E-mail us or call Keith Anderson, Ministerial Coordinator for Senior Adult Ministries, at 612-751-1446.
Sojourners is a lunchtime gathering for anyone 55+. We meet on the 3rdThursday of each month (Noon-2:00pm) at our Downtown Campus. Come for a delicious luncheon, followed by a program. Meal cost is $5. (RSVP to 612-333-1194 by Monday at Noon.)
Join a Small Group focused on passing our Christian legacy to our grandchildren.
Consider using your expertise and resources for God's work around the world. Here are some ways you could invest in ministry work in another country:
Contact us for more details on any of these activities-or about an idea of your own.
Keith Anderson
Ministerial Coordinator for Senior Adult Ministries
We aim to employ a variety of musical forms and expressions from both the past and the present. For more on our vision, read our Philosophy of Worship and learn about What Unites Us in Worship.
Nick Roen is Pastor for Worship & Education, South. He oversees the following:
Worship teams help lead our congregation in corporate worship. The ensemble may include vocals, piano, keyboard, B-3 organ, bass, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, drums, and auxiliary percussion. We look for team members who delight in the Lord, seek after humility in their musical talents, and encourage one another in brotherly love.
The adult choir has the opportunity to sing in weekend services and for special events several times throughout the year. We welcome new choir members (ages 16 & above) at any time during the choir season.
The Children’s choir typically sings once or twice a year in a worship service and/or special event. During rehearsal times, children learn principles of biblical worship and the rudiments of music and singing.
Our instrumental ministry ranges from small ensembles to full orchestra. Brass, string, woodwind, and percussion players with at least a high school-level of playing ability are invited to participate.
If you are interested in serving with the South Worship & Music ministry, see an overview ways to serve in the worship section of the South Serve Opportunities list, and let us know of your interest.
Opportunities abound to reach out in our South Campus communities through cross-cultural relationships and practical mercy ministries. Opportunities include:
ESL Classes
The South Campus offers ESL classes during the school year to give practical help with the English language and to share the love of Christ. Learn more.
Daniel Viezbicke
Pastor for Membership & Mobilization, South
We support and encourage the inclusion of people with disabilities and special needs in the life and work of the church, including worship services, Sunday School for children & youth, and special events for families affected by disability. Read more about our vision for the Disability & Special Needs ministry.
If your child needs a one-on-one buddy in Nursery or Sunday School, it is helpful if you let us know you will be coming. Please fill out a Family Registration Form and a Student/Child Information Form. These forms are required for placement with a one-on-one buddy. We ask that you plan to come to class with your child until an aide has been placed.
Joshua Oakley (612-746-2650 x675)
Coordinator for Children & Disability Ministries