God is sovereign over the womb. That has been Bethlehem’s message since the church began actively advocating for the preborn in the 1980s. The ministry ...
In 2014, abortion took the lives of 689 babies in Dakota County. Amnion’s mission is to minister compassionate truth to abortion-determined women and men and to share the glorious gospel message. More than 45% of the abortion-determined women who have come to Amnion have changed their minds and have chosen life for their babies.
Abstinence Speakers
Men and women can volunteer to share Amnion’s “I’m Worth Waiting For!” classroom presentations at Jr/Sr High schools. Amnion trains, mentors, and sends their speakers into schools. They request a two-year commitment for this role.
Office Volunteers
In weekly four-hour shifts, volunteers help in the office with projects like fundraising, computer data entry, abstinence packet mailings, and other mailings.
Fundraising Events
Contact: Michele Hartshorn