The facilities at the Downtown and North campuses are available for gatherings for your key life events.
Marriage is designed by God to be a parable of his awesome love for his people. That's why we take marriage and preparation for marriage so seriously at Bethlehem. We want you to experience the profound joy that comes from a God-centered marriage and want to do everything we can to make this process as easy as possible.
Every couple interested in having their wedding or wedding reception at Bethlehem should submit a Wedding Request Form. Once you have submitted the form, you will be contacted for confirmation.
You should know:
Your request will be received by Lynda Hansen, our wedding point person. She will gather pertinent information and connect you with those who can help with other details.
Need Immediate Help?
We’re ready to pray with you and help you.
If you’re currently in the process of planning an imminent service and you have a particular pastor in mind call the church office and ask for that pastor or his assistant: 612-338-7653. If you’re not sure which pastor to ask for then contact ... Tony Morales (612-338-7653 x425)
Grace Ohlendorf (612-455-0800 x823)
Rachel Dyvig (612-746-2650 x677)
Yes. We’ll do our best to see that the pastor you choose is available to conduct the funeral service.
Yes. As best we can, we try to give funerals for Bethlehem members first priority for facility use. However, at times, due to previously scheduled commitments, options may be limited.
If the service is for a member of the church or his/her family member, there will not be a charge.
For further information, contact ...
Tony Morales (612-338-7653 x425)
Grace Ohlendorf (612-455-0800 x823)
Rachel Dyvig (612-746-2650 x677)