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Get Help

Jesus said that those who do not yet believe will know that Christians belong to him by the way they care for one another.


Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.—John 14:14

Pray With Someone

After a weekend worship service, come to the front of the Sanctuary for prayer with a pastor or member of the prayer team.

To request that the elders pray over you, anointing you with oil, contact ...
Downtown Campus  Beth Lundstrom (612-338-7653 x493)
North Campus  Grace Ohlendorf (612-455-0800 x823)
South Campus  Nick Roen (612-746-2650 x650)

Share Prayer Requests

  1. Write a prayer request on the tear-off panel of your weekend worship folder and place it in the offering basket or in the wooden boxes outside the Sanctuary. Each week the staff prays for these requests.
  2. Call or email the staff at your campus:
    Downtown Campus  Downtown Campus (612-338-7653)
    North Campus  North Campus (612-455-0800)
    South Campus  South Campus (612-746-2650)

Gather for Pre-Service Prayer

  • Downtown Campus  Room 112
    Saturdays, 4:45pm
    Sundays, 8:15am
  • North Campus  Prayer Room
    Sundays, 8:15am
  • South Campus  Lakeville South High School, Room E101
    Sundays, 8:15am (9:15am, June–August)

Gather for Weekday Prayer

  • South Campus  Wednesday Men’s Gathering
    7am, Conference Room
  • North Campus Wednesday Connection Worship
    6:15pm, Sanctuary (September–May)
  • Downtown Campus Friday Early Morning Prayer
    6:30am, Commons

Financial Help

Helping Hand Committee

The Helping Hand Committee coordinates financial help for our church family by providing ...

  • Help to meet the essential needs of every member
  • Financial training
  • An outlet for you to help others financially

Who Can Get Help?

The closer your association with Bethlehem, the stronger our commitment to help meet your essential needs.

We consider these factors when distributing funds ...

  • Your relationship to the church
  • Your demonstrated need
  • The ongoing nature of the need
  • Your ability to earn an income
  • Other resources potentially available to you-personal, family, government
  • Your ability to demonstrate that you can make thoughtful decisions about your resources
  • Free biblical financial counseling may be a prerequisite to assistance

How Can I Receive Help?

Call the church office and leave a message at 612-338-7653 x700. Someone will return your call.

The timeline for receiving financial assistance is about two weeks from the day of your initial request.


At Bethlehem, counseling is the ability to bring the word of God to bear on one another’s lives. Proverbs 20:5 says, “The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.” Our elder-approved Guiding Philosophy for Counseling document provides more detail concerning our thinking on biblical counseling.

Receiving Counsel

We have various counseling care options for those in need. 

Small Groups 
Bethlehem’s small group ministry is the ideal context for living out Scripture’s “one another” commands and where much preventive care takes place. These groups are designed to help you carry your burdens and guide you in your walk with God.

Elder/Pastoral Counsel and Prayer 
Elders provide oversight of the church usually in a campus-specific capacity and can be available for prayer and/or counseling.

Lay Counselors 
Individuals who have been trained and who have manifested a skill to help others through difficult times are available to talk.

Christian Counselors
We have information on Christian counselors with various specialties who may be available to provide you with additional counsel.

Contact Information

If you are currently active at Bethlehem and have questions about our options for receiving counsel, see further information about the biblical counseling available at your campus and/or contact your campus:

Downtown Campus  Downtown Campus Counseling
North Campus  North Campus Counseling
South Campus  South Campus Counseling

If you are not currently active at Bethlehem, please contact your home church pastor.


Practical Help

Meals Ministry

Bethlehem individuals and families offer meals to those who are in a difficult season, experiencing a crisis, or have a significant life event like the birth of a child. If you would like to have a meal delivered to your home, please contact us.

 Julie Barmore, Sarah Bowe
 Mary Hendricks

Household Projects

Downtown deacons and screened volunteers actively reach out to widows, single moms, and others in need of practical help with handyman projects, outdoor maintenance, and car repairs.

 Request Help or Offer Help  
 Tim Richterkessing

Car Care

In the Mounds View area (North Campus), financial assistance is offered for care repairs for those in need in our community.

 Pastor Vince Johnson

Housing Assistance

If you are seeking housing, we may be able to assist.

 Liz Stein

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse can take many different forms: physical, emotional, mental, sexual, financial, and spiritual. Any form of abuse hurts and does long-lasting harm to individuals and their families.

If you are a member at Bethlehem in need of help, you can request confidential care at your campus:

 612-338-7653 x741 or [email protected]

 612-338-7653 x742 or [email protected]

 612-338-7653 x743 or [email protected]

To learn more about our heart for those caught in domestic abuse, see Pastor Jason Meyer’s sermon Fooled by False Leadership (April 25, 2015) and the introduction to Not Afraid (May 4, 2016).

Special Needs

In Christ we are one body with many parts—each a unique gift of God to the church. Our vision is to be a local expression of the Body where people with special needs are welcomed, loved, and cared for in practical ways, and where they are able to serve and meaningfully engage in the life of the church.

Parish Nurse Ministry

A parish nurse partners in ministry with Bethlehem leadership for the physical and spiritual health of the Bethlehem community through visitation, education, and outreach. For more information, contact Judy Anderson (651-895-1171).

Disability Ministry

At each campus, a coordinators for Disability Ministry oversees support and care for those affected by disability. Learn about our Disability Ministry.


Mercy Ministry Resources

Wondering who to call? If you are facing an emergency need, see this list of resources for our community: Mercy Ministry Resources.