Women’s Ministry exists to equip women to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ. We desire to lead women to embrace the great assurance and hope of their identity in Jesus Christ and to claim and enjoy satisfaction in him. We will treasure Christ together through ...
• Prayer
• Study and application of the Word
• Fellowship
• Serving one another
We will encourage the older women to be examples and teachers of the younger women. We are committed to raising up women who exemplify biblical womanhood to the glory of God.
Get Connected
Consider joining one of our many Bible studies as a means of growing in grace, knowledge, and love for our Savior (2 Peter 3:18). We offer studies each Fall (studies begin in September), Winter (studies begin in January) and Summer (studies begin in June). In response to the biblical mandate of Titus 2:3–5, we support the discipleship ministry of the church by calling women to establish godly mentoring relationships that will encourage and equip them to live for God’s glory. Titus 2 groups are led by one or two older women who lead a group of younger women, once a month, through a book study or a focus on a wide variety of skills. Making Our Mothering Significant (MOMS) is open to mothers of all ages and stages of life. Whether you are expecting your first child or are a seasoned grandmother, we welcome you to join us for a time of encouragement and fellowship. MOMS meets at each campus twice a month primarily on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the 2021–22 school year. The North Campus offers a Monday evening option as well, also twice a month. Do you desire to be a world Christian? Join us as we gather to worship, hear from women in missions, and pray for God’s purposes among the nations. Women in Missions now meets at each campus at various times ... See upcoming Women in Missions events on the calendar. Bible Studies
Titus 2 Ministry
September 21–May 3, 9:30–11:30am
September 20–May 2, 7–8:30pm
September 21–May 3, 9:30–11:30am September 21–May 3, 9:45–11:45am
Women in Missions
2nd Monday morning of each month, September–May
2nd Monday evening of each month, September–May
Saturday mornings, once per quarter
Holiday Craft Boutique
Friday, November 11, 6–9pm
Saturday, November 12, 10am–Noon
North Campus (5151 Program Ave, Mounds View 55112)
Vendor application deadline is August 15.
View resources and listen to messages from past sessions of Spring Conference, MOMS, Titus 2 trainings, and more!
Cynthia McGill (612-338-7653 x437)
Administrative Assistant, Downtown Pam Larson (email, 612-455-0800 x814)
Minister for Women’s Ministry, North Beth Nordquist (612-455-0800 x806)
Administrative Assistant, North
General Question? Contact us.