The Ministry Trip experience can be a vital step in preparing for a missionary career abroad or enriching your life at home as a follower of Jesus with a heart for the nations.
Each year, Bethlehem leads short-term ministry trips to locations across the globe to bless and support our global partners and ministry connections. Each trip is planned to help meet current needs and further outreach initiatives of those who are serving in a long-term context.
All who are sent on a ministry trip by Bethlehem must complete our application. This process includes both individual short-term trips through agencies (such as Converge, Campus Outreach, etc.), as well as our Bethlehem-sponsored short-term trips. Select an upcoming trip to see additional details and apply.
Contact the Global Outreach Department to learn about any trips that are upcoming and do not have an application open.
Each Ministry Trip team is sent out with this goal in mind:
We desire to be a team of people characterized by Christlike behavior exhibited through unconditional love; unselfish, joyful service; and unified teamwork. Our ultimate purpose as a team is to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ.
As you consider joining a Ministry Trip, please become familiar with the Ministry Trip Team Covenant.
Generally, those who are sent out on a trip:
Each team and each team member needs supporters who can both pray on their behalf and financially support them to enable their ministry.