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Nurture Program Seminar: Exploring Cultural Frameworks

Mar 15, 2025 • 9:00am - 12:00pm

Location: Bethlehem Baptist Church, 114

Contact: Pearl Lundquist

Cross-cultural communication is a challenge even when communicating the most basic of messages. Everyone from multi-national companies to neighbors to cross-cultural workers face challenges when seeking to communicate clearly across differences of cultural worldview. Not only can we miscommunicate by what we say, we can also miscommunicate by what we do not say. Together, we want to sharpen our tools for cross-cultural communication of the most important message of all by exploring the reality of cultural frameworks. As a result of this time together, you will be better equipped to recognize assumptions and values of honor/shame, justice/rights and power/authority cultures. Even more importantly, you will be better equipped to speak the good news of Jesus to these differing worldviews and celebrate Jesus victory over guilt, shame and fear with them. Nurture Program participants are encouraged to come but all interested in cross-cultural ministry are welcome to join.
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Add to Calendar03/15/2025 09:00 AM03/15/2025 12:00 PMAmerica/ChicagoNurture Program Seminar: Exploring Cultural FrameworksCross-cultural communication is a challenge even when communicating the most basic of messages. Everyone from multi-national companies to neighbors to cross-cultural workers face challenges when seeking to communicate clearly across differences of cultural worldview. Not only can we miscommunicate by what we say, we can also miscommunicate by what we do not say. Together, we want to sharpen our tools for cross-cultural communication of the most important message of all by exploring the reality of cultural frameworks. As a result of this time together, you will be better equipped to recognize assumptions and values of honor/shame, justice/rights and power/authority cultures. Even more importantly, you will be better equipped to speak the good news of Jesus to these differing worldviews and celebrate Jesus victory over guilt, shame and fear with them. Nurture Program participants are encouraged to come but all interested in cross-cultural ministry are welcome to join.Bethlehem Baptist Church, 720 13th Ave S , Minneapolis, MN, 55415-1721Pearl Lundquist[email protected]falseMM/DD/YYYYanySfjPaRzzPAtdXVmGX22415