Together we seek to honor the Lord’s gift of life at all stages, from the preborn to the vulnerable elderly.
For context regarding current Sanctity of Life concerns ...
Join the SOLM Team
Bethlehem’s Sanctity of Life Ministry (SOLM) is eager to welcome new volunteers. Would you join us in helping our church engage in pro-life efforts? To get involved, contact the leader at your campus … Delsie Baxter
Mary Anderson
Char Puelston
Receive the SOLM Email Updates
Updates are sent each week with details about upcoming events, stories from interactions at the abortion clinics (including babies saved), and prayer requests. To sign up, contact Wayne King.
Be a Voice for Life Outside a Local Abortion Clinic
To learn about “Bethlehem for Life” and the presence we have outside the abortion clinic located just blocks from the Downtown Campus, contact Delsie Baxter or Wayne King.
Volunteer With Pro-Life Ministries
Our partner ministries welcome volunteers to serve in various ways. To learn what you can do to help, contact these representatives ...
New Life Family Services (
Contact: Traci Berrey (612-746-5667) Amnion Pregnancy Center (
Contact: Michele Hartshorn (952-898-4350)
Human life is precious to the Lord. Every human being bears the spiritual image and likeness of the Creator of the universe. This distinction sets man above every creature. As Christians, we are called to defend the sanctity of human life.
The Sanctity of Life Ministry (SOLM) helps Bethlehem put Scriptural convictions into action. SOLM ...
Sanctity of Life Ministry Leader: Delsie Baxter (612-866-5075)
Bethlehem for Life is the ongoing presence and prayer throughout the year of Bethlehem attendees in front of Whole Woman’s Health, the second largest abortion clinic in the state of Minnesota, located just four blocks from the doors of our Downtown Campus. Currently, one or more individuals from Bethlehem are out three days a week at the clinic (Tuesday, Friday or Saturday). New participants should contact Wayne King (612-716-1751) prior to going out to ensure they will have someone with whom to partner on date(s) chosen.
Twice a year (usually in April and October), Bethlehem has a concentrated weeklong vigil of prayer and presence outside this clinic, known as the Peaceful Presence. Individuals in our church are encouraged to find two hours in their schedules to participate in this spiritual battle to end abortion in our neighborhood. All individuals—ranging from those who have significant experience outside an abortion clinic to those who have never participated before—are encouraged to be involved.
Thursday, March 5, 7–9pm
Worship Services on Sunday, March 8
Join Bethlehem for Life in supporting our local pro-life ministry partners New Life Family Services and Amnion Pregnancy Center. Baby bottles were distributed after services on Sanctity of Life Sunday (January 26) to be used to gather donations of coins, cash, and checks for these partners. Please bring your donations back to church on March 8.